
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Onomatopoeia Poem

Name:Nirvana                           Date:5.6.20
"Onomatopoeia every time I see ya
My senses tell me hubba
And I just can't disagree.
I get a feeling in my heart that I can't describe. . .
It's sort of Pow! Wow! Boomm! 
Zzzzzzzzz! Ssssssss! Zoommmmmmmmm! 
Boom! Boohoo! Crack! 

Argh! Meeeeeeee! Splat!


We are learning about onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia are noisy sounds.

Friday, May 29, 2020

My Best Memory

My Best Memory 

Thursday 21.5.20 

My best memory was when we made a hut.  Me and my family made it. It was a big hut and my friends came over they said to me it was ok.  All our little huts connected together to make a big hut. It was pretty cool.

How Covid 19 Changed Lives

How Covid 19 Changed Lives



Covid 19 is a virus . It has changed many peoples’ lives in so many ways. The virus has made many people sick and changed the way people keep themselves safe.


Wash hands with soap for 20 seconds and dry them after rinsing. Sneezing and coughing into your elbow. Use hand sanitiser often.

Social Distancing  

Keep 2 meters away from  people and strangers. Keep 1 metre away inside controlled places. At school if you are in the moist zone you are too close. 

Self Isolating

If you have the virus you have to self isolating for 14 days. You have to stay in your own and eat by yourself. When mum comes to clean your room she has to wear gloves and masks.


It is very important to follow the rules for hygiene, social distancing and self isolation so you don't get the Covi 19 virus.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to your very own blog for learning. We look forward to seeing you share your learning with your teachers, your school, your family and friends anywhere.